Welcome to this page.  My name is  Frank, I have been an official IBM-Rhapsody trainer, coach and consultant since 2001.  I am a passionate Rhapsody and MBSE advocate , using standardized notation such as UML and SysML.   

You want to empower your team in IBM-Rhapsody ?  Contact me for a training offering . (See list below)

Current Trainings :

Simple SysML for Beginners: 

Using IBM Rhapsody is for Beginners. This book is for beginning modelers who have just purchased a copy of Rhapsody and are anxious to get started, but otherwise don't know too much about SysML and don't have much experience using Rhapsody or any other similar tool. The purpose of this book is to help the reader get through the initial learning curve and start the reader on the way to becoming proficient at SysML modeling.

Latest and greates Video: Getting started with Parametric Diagrams

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