I created this forum in 2007 during my Telelogic times. It became less "important after the IBM merger with the upcoming IBM Rhapsody developer works forum. Recently IBM decided to switch-off developerworks.
(This is what happens in headless organisations, where the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.)
Lucky that we still have this forum (merged to Willert in the meanwhile) allowing us to look back in history and ask Rhapsody questions in future.
Large number of links to books, papers, presentations, and other content written by World-renown author and speaker Dr. Bruce Powel Douglass.
Collection of Videos and getting started around Rhapsody at EVOCEAN, an European Software. Consulting and Training provider with focus Engineering Lifecycle , IBM Rhapsody, Doors ..
Collection of Rhapsody deep dive Videos (around 1hr each) , how to structure projects, SysML Ports, Strcutural Modeling and many many more..
Collection of Rhapsody- Tips , Models, Tutorials, Wizards and Helpers by Andy Lapping , probably one of the most engaged and best Rhapsody engineer in the universe.
Rhapsody Blog by Walter van der Heiden. In small stories lot of tips and tricks around Rhapsody and many anecdotes are built in. Fun and informative reading...
Custom Rhapsody frameworks for small systems, tools, training, and consulting.
Simple SysML for Beginners, Using IBM Rhapsody is for Beginners. This book is for beginning modelers who have just purchased a copy of Rhapsody and are anxious to get started, but otherwise don't know too much about SysML and don't have much experience using Rhapsody or any other similar tool. The purpose of this book is to help the reader get through the initial learning curve and start the reader on the way to becoming proficient at SysML modeling.
Agile Systems Engineering presents a vision of systems engineering where precise specification of requirements, structure, and behavior meet larger concerns as such as safety, security, reliability, and performance in an agile engineering context.
ISBN-10: 0128021209
ISBN-13: 978-0128021200
In Real-Time Agility, leading embedded-systems consultant Bruce Powel Douglass reveals how to leverage the best practices of agile development to address all these challenges. Bruce introduces the Harmony/ESW process: a proven, start-to-finish approach to software development that can reduce costs, save time, and eliminate potential defects.
ISBN-13: 978-0321545497
ISBN-10: 0321545494
Written as a workbook with a set of guided exercises that teach by example, this book gives a practical, hands-on guide to using UML to design and implement embedded and real-time systems.
ISBN-10: 0124077811
ISBN-13: 978-0124077812
Bruce Powel Douglass collects the best design patterns from this unique, and rapidly growing, area of programming, and presents them in an instructional format that teaches the reader the "what, when, and how" of leveraging the significant power of these proven design solutions.
ISBN-10: 0201699567
ISBN-13: 978-0201699562
A Practical Guide to SysML, Third Edition, fully updated for SysML version 1.4, provides a comprehensive and practical guide for modeling systems with SysML. With their unique perspective as leading contributors to the language, Friedenthal, Moore, and Steiner provide a full description of the language along with a quick reference guide and practical examples to help you use SysML.
ISBN-10: 0128002026
ISBN-13: 978-0128002025
Lenny Delligatti illuminates SysML’s core components and provides practical advice to help you create good models and good designs. Delligatti begins with an easy-to-understand overview of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and an explanation of how SysML enables effective system specification, analysis, design, optimization, verification, and validation. Next, he shows how to use all nine types of SysML diagrams, even if you have no previous experience with modeling languages. A case study running through the text demonstrates the use of SysML in modeling a complex, real-world sociotechnical system.
ISBN-10: 0321927869
ISBN-13: 978-032192786
Using the pragmatic modeling approach SYSMOD and a consistent case study, the book shows the methods of system modeling with the Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML (TM)).
ISBN-10: 3864900913
ISBN-13: 978-3864900914
For decades the SE concept championed by this book has helped engineers solve a wide variety of issues by emphasizing a top-down approach. Moving from the general to the specific, this SE concept has situated itself as uniquely appealing to both highly trained experts and anybody managing a complex project. Until now, this SE concept has only been available to German speakers. By shedding the overtly technical approach adopted by many other SE methods, this book can be used as a problem-solving guide in a great variety of disciplines, engineering and otherwise.
ISBN: 978-3-030-13430-3
This handbook describes systems engineering best practices that should be incorporated in the development and implementation of large and small NASA programs and projects. The engineering of NASA systems requires a systematic and disciplined set of processes that are applied recursively and iteratively for the design, development, operation, maintenance, and closeout of systems throughout the life cycle of the programs and projects. The scope of this handbook includes systems engineering functions regardless of whether they are performed by a manager or an engineer, in-house or by a contractor.
National Aeronautics; Space Administration. NASA Systems Engineering Handbook (Kindle-Positionen459-463). National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Kindle-Version.
This book conceives, presents and exemplifies a contemporary, general systems methodology that is straightforward and accessible, providing guidance in practical application, as well as explaining concept and theory. The book is presented both as a text for students, with topic assignments, and as a reference for practitioners, through case studies.
ISBN 978-0470-05856-5