As part of the renaming of the IBM Continuous Engineering Portfolio , IBM has renamed IBM Rational Rhapsody to IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody. Reason for this was to make it "easier" to identify each product’s primary function by its name.
In order to comply with Win10 AppLocker, the structure of the Rhapsody installation has been modified to separate executable files from Rhapsody files that require read/write access.
The “Share” folder has been split up into “UserShare” which resides in the Rhapsody data folder and “Share” which is now in the (usually read-only) Rhapsody program files folder. The Rhapsody folders affected by this change include the sample, property, and profile folders. As a result of these changes:
Depending on the options that you selected during the installation of Rhapsody (data file location, install all files in one location), the UserShare folder can be found under: <Rhapsody installation directory>, C:\Users\<username>\IBM\Rhapsody , or C:\ProgramData\IBM\Rhapsody.
The installation wizard now allows you to specify the path where the Rhapsody framework files should be built. If you need to modify this path after Rhapsody is installed, you can change the value of FRAMEWORK_LIB_ROOT in the General section of the rhapsody.ini file or change the value of the property CG::Configuration::FrameworkLibRoot.
Also the Framework Libraries are no longer delivered as prebuild libraries dring installation. They are build when needed or via menu entry "Code" => "Build Framework“.
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